the Negro race? Think about it! Would any of you like to try? Crazy though it may seem I did try once to create a colored Susanna. I used Stein's dark brown make-up and was carefully to do a complete job all over; ears; arms; legs, etc. with the lighter shade in the palms and the edge of the feet. cotton I gave my lips the proper enlargement and I was fascinated by the result. It was evening and I tried a quick outing around the block-scared-but no trouble. The thrill of expressing the girl-within did not diminish one bit. On the contrary it was somehow enhanced. But, please, do not try it unless you have loads of spare time to waste. What a mess trying to wipe off that dark make-up! My lingerie was stained and even the dress where my bare arm had rubbed. I forgot that make-up is not indelible and it took hours of scrubbing and soaking to make sure that no trace of the dark tint remained in hard-to-get- at places. Still it was a fascinating adventure. I wonder what my TV friends think about such an exper- ience. Any comments?
I once asked a trans-sexual friend of mine, who by the way, did have a bit of racial prejudice. The interesting part of it was that after some deep think- ing--she looked up and said: "If I could be a girl I wouldn't care what long as I was a"she". Now remember, this was a transsexual's opinion. Would your's be the same? And here I feel like making one of those controversial statements, just for the fun of it. I dare say that TVism helps eliminate racial prejudice. Do I have any valid basis for this statement? Well, I've been to several of the so-call- ed "drag balls". It is true that the great majority of the participants in such events are "drag queens" (gay) but there's always a sprinkling of TVs here and there. Many of these TVs (white) would not particular- ly care to attend a mixed event such as that if they were to appear as their male selves. But in femme- dress such feelings seem to recede and disappear. This seems to be the case with the homosexual queens who fraternize unhesitatingly with their colored sis-